- 101. “Bird with big trousers” Pris: 1000,- kr.
- 102. “Elephant smells pink flower” Pris: 1000,- kr.
- 102. (behind the windows)
- 103. “Jumping elephantfather” Pris: 1000,- kr.
- 104. “Lion on dalmatinercarpet” Pris: 1000 kr.
- 105. “Saladbird” Pris 1000,- kr.
- 106. “Elephant with pink moustache” Pris: 1000,- kr.
- 107. “Crocodile square”. Pris: 1000,- kr.
- 108. “Dancing lady with red nails. Pris: 1000,- kr.
- 110. “Big shoes, big hat”. Pris: 1000,- kr.
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